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Results 41–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
THE RUINS OF THE ABBY-CHURCH AT WHITBY IN YORKSHIRE. 1736. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 31.2… A monochrome plan of Whitby Abbey and an outline drawing of a… Whitby (England) Maps K.Top.44.53.b.
A plan of Part of the Abby of in Indian ink, of Margam in Glamorganshire,… 1736. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 19.5… A plan of Margam Abbey; a key to the plan on the left-hand side… Port Talbot (Wales) Maps K.Top.47.44.3.a.
Ecclesia Sancti Vel Cadoxton Church, juxta Neath in Glamorganshire. 1736. 1 drawing : pen and black ink ; sheet 19.6 x 31.7 cm St.Catwg's Church at Cadoxton-juxta-Neath; tombstones in the… Cadoxton (Wales) Maps K.Top.47.47.
Osney Mill Oxon 1737. 1737. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 14.1… A monochrome view of a mill; a small wall in front. Title and… Oxfordshire (England) Maps K.Top.35.52.d.
Silchester Church Com. 1741. 1 drawing : pen and black ink ; sheet 15.1 x 19.1 cm View of St Mary's Church, Silchester; a tomb in the foreground.… Silchester (England) Maps K.Top.14.85.h.
Sandleford Chappel comm: Berks 1742. / C.B. Fecit. C. B. , active approximately 1742, artist. 1742 [or after] 1 drawing : pen and black ink ; sheet 15.9 x 19.8 cm A line drawing of a small, ruined chapel; a weathervane on the… Berkshire (England) Maps K.Top.7.67.
Wormbridge in Herefordshire a Seat Belonging to Edward Clive… H. C., active 1752, artist. 1742. 1 drawing : pen and brown ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 19.5… A plan of Wormbridge House in Herefordshire. Inscribed with title… Herefordshire (England) Maps K.Top.15.102.4.
PROSPECT of the CASTLE GLAMIS the SEAT of the EARLE of Strathmore… Sandby, Thomas, 1723-1798, artist. 1746. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 33.8… Figures in the foreground; three tree-lined avenues; the central… Glamis (Scotland) Maps K.Top.49.23.b.
[Inveraray and 'Craig Bruag']. Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809, artist. 1747 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour over pencil ;… Figures in the foreground on the shore; ships on a body of water… Inveraray (Scotland) Maps K.Top.49.31.1.a.
MITHRAS sacrificing at the vernal equinox. ; A stone in basso… Stukeley, William, 1687-1765, artist. 1747. 1 drawing : pen and black ink ; sheet 18.8 x 31.3 cm A sketch of a stone relief depicting Mithras sacrificing a bull,… York (England) Maps K.Top.45.11.c.
A Prospect of LOUISBOURG taken from ye NE Harbour / by J.H. Bastide,… Bastide, John Henry, approximately 1700-1770, artist. 1749 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome, red and blue wash… A view of the harbour at Louisbourg, probably after the Battle… Louisbourg (N.S.) Maps K.Top.119.95.a.
A PROSPECT of ANNAPOLIS ROYAL in NOVA SCOTIA, / Taken on the… Bastide, John Henry, approximately 1700-1770, artist. 1751 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 30.8… View looking towards the fort at Annapolis Royal; figures and… Annapolis Royal (N.S.) Maps K.Top.119.83.
View of Fort William / William Skinner Junr fecit 1751. Skinner, William, 1700-1780, artist. 1751 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 30.4 x… Figures standing by a rock on the shore; buildings in the middle… Fort William (Scotland) Maps K.Top.50.43.b.
PLAN OF PART OF A ROMAN TEMPLE AT NETHERBY. / W: Roy. Roy, William, 1726-1790, artist. 1752. 1 drawing : pen with black and brown ink and monochrome and pink… A plan and sections of a Roman temple; an explanation in brown… Cumbria (England) Maps K.Top.10.63.a.
Morden Church in Surrey 1754. 1754 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 15.9… St Lawrence Church, Morden ; the churchyard in front; trees to… Morden (London, England) Maps K.Top.41.9.a.
Richmond Park. / AH. AH, active 1754, artist. 1754. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 22.8… Two horses and riders on a path; a well on the left; chickens,… Richmond upon Thames (London, England) Maps K.Top.41.15.c.
Mitcham Church in Surrey 1754. 1754. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 16.2… The church of Peter & St Paul, Mitcham; tombstones in the foreground;… Mitcham (London, England) Maps K.Top.41.8.a.
View of the French Fort at Beau=sejour. 1755 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome and pink wash ;… View of Fort Beause_jour from the Missaguash River; buildings… Fort Cumberland (N.B.) Maps K.Top.119.69.
View of BEAUSEJOUR from ye S.E. 1755 / J. Hamilton delint et… Hamilton, John, approximately 1766-1777, artist. 1755 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 32.9… View of Fort Beause_jour from the Missaguash River; buildings… Fort Cumberland (N.B.) Maps K.Top.119.70.
VIEW of the Point of Beausejour and BUTE a_ Roger with a distant… Hamilton, John, approximately 1766-1777, artist. 1755 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.5… View looking out across Beaufort Marsh toward Fort Beausejour… Fort Cumberland (N.B.) Maps K.Top.119.71.

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