MITHRAS sacrificing at the vernal equinox. ; A stone in basso relievo found 10 foot underground in Micklegate York in 1747.
Stukeley, William, 1687-1765, artist.
Publication details
Physical details
1 drawing : pen and black ink ; sheet 18.8 x 31.3 cm
A sketch of a stone relief depicting Mithras sacrificing a bull, found in Micklegate, York in 1747; accompanied by a letter to Smart Lethieullier, Esq., dated 9 Oct. 1749: 'I have inserted a drawing of a sculpture on a stone found at York in digging a foundation 10 feet deep in micklegate. Mr Drake of York sent it to me at Stamford just before the Duke of Monatgu invited me to Town. Mr Drake wanted my opinion of it. I sent him word, it was Mithras sacrificing a bull, in the Spring quarter at the suns entrance into _ the figures at bottom twisted round with a snake, I take it to be gemini II to that sign, producing the whole variety of natures works, by new generations. I hope madam Lehuillier likes the book of anthems, my respects wait on her. I am your faithful humble servant Wm Stukeley'. Partial inscription on verso of letter 'To Smart . . . at his'.
York (England)
Maps K.Top.45.11.c.