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Results 4661–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
A DESIGN for an IRON BRIDGE for the RIVER THAMES between WINDSOR… Stickney, John, active 1797-1805, engineer, artist. 1799. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 22 x 29.7… Design for Datchet Bridge; the Thames below; boats on the water;… Berkshire (England) Maps K.Top.8.28.e.1.
A Danish Camp in the Park at Bulstrode Bucks. Grimm, Samuel Hieronymus, 1733-1794, artist. 7th May, 1781. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; 13 x 18.4… View across extensive parkland at Bulstrode; trees in the foreground;… Buckinghamshire (England) Maps K.Top.8.11.1.e.
A Cottage in Islay. [between about 1775-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 16.2 x… Figures outside a small stone cottage on the Island of Islay;… Islay (Scotland) Maps K.Top.49.37.a.
A CORRECT VIEW OF THE THEATRE AT PHILADELPHIA / A.P. Esq.r delin.… Sherlock, William P., 1775- printmaker. [London] : Published as the Act directs, July 1st. 1811, by J.… 1 print : soft-ground etching ; sheet 13.1 x 17.4 cm View of Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, with a man looking at… Philadelphia (Pa.) Maps K.Top.122.9.b.
A Cave in Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight. 1813. 1 drawing : watercolour with stopping out ; sheet 21.5 x 30.4… View form the inside of a cave lookiung out to the sea; a figure… Isle of Wight (England) Maps K.Top.15.28.e.
A Castle, one mile beyond Dundrum, near Dublin. Van Lerberghe, Peter, 1772 or 1773- artist. [about 1800-1810] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour over pencil ;… Figures and a donkey on a ros to the left; a ruined cottage on… Dublin (Ireland) Maps K.Top.124 Supp.fol.42.
A burying ground near Kief with the tomb of Mr Fergusson. [about 1760-1780] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour over pencil ;… A horse and cart and people on a path on a hill; crosses on the… Kiev (Ukraine) Maps K.Top.112.92.b.
A Bridge that formerly stood near the Postern Gate Canterbury.… Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791, artist. [about 1780-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 26.5 x… A figure in the foreground on the left; a horse and rider by… Canterbury (England) Maps
A brassless stone in Rochester Cath. [about 1740-1780] 1 drawing : pen with black and blue ink and coloured wash ; sheet… Drawing of a stone which once bore a monumental brass. Inscribed… Rochester (Kent, England) Maps K.Top.17.10.i.
A Brass Plate in Northfleet Church. 1789. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 15.6 x… The remains of a monumental brass in St Botolph's Church, Northfleet,… Kent (England) Maps K.Top.18.41.b.
A Birds Eye View from Richmond Park / drawn by Mr Ralph. Ralph, Benjamin, active 1763-1770, artist. [between 1770-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with wateroclour ; sheet 85.3 x… A bird's eye view of Richmond Park in Surrey; extensive parkland,… Richmond upon Thames (London, England) Maps K.Top.41.15.f.
A BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF SMITHFIELD MARKET : TAKEN FROM THE BEAR… Bluck, John (Printmaker), printmaker. London : Publish'd 1st Jany 1811 at R. ACKERMANN'S Repository… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… Smithfield Market viewed from a balcony looking towards St Bartholomew's,… London (England) Maps K.Top.22.35.b.
A BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF COVENT GARDEN MARKET : TAKEN FROM THE HUMMUMS.… Bluck, John (Printmaker), printmaker. London : Publish'd 1st Jany 1811 at R. ACKERMANN'S Repository… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 44.3… A Bird's eye view looking over Covent Garden Market, with St… London (England) Maps K.Top.22.28.c.
6 Vues Pittoresques de la Suisse. / Dessine_s d'apre_s Nature… Stru_dt, Johann Jacob, 1773-1807, printmaker. Mannheim : Dom. Artaria, [1795] 1 print : aquatint and etching printed in sepia ; sheet 16.5… Title-page for a series of six views of Switzerland, with title… Switzerland Maps K.Top.85.41.a.
2nd View of the Island of St. Peter, on the Lake of Bienne in… King, J., active 18th century, printmaker. [London?] : [Thomas Gowland?], [about 1793] 1 print : hand-coloured etching ; sheet 42.7 x 59.6 cm (trimmed… Travellers on a roofed boat sailing on Lake Biel in the foreground,… Biel, Lake of (Switzerland) Maps K.Top.85.69.b.
2de. Vue de la Ville de Basle prise a_ l'extremite_ du Fauxbourg… Mechel, Christian von, 1737-1817, printmaker, publisher. A Basle : chez Chr. de Mechel, [between 1790 and 1800] 1 print : hand-coloured etching ; platemark 27 x 40.5 cm, on… View of Basel from the end of St Alban Rheinweg, with a man in… Basel (Switzerland) Maps K.Top.85.52.1.f.
2de Vue de la Ville Imperiale de Francfort sur le Meyn. / Peint… Mechel, Christian von, 1737-1817, publisher. [Basle] : Publie a Basle par Chr: de Mechel, 1792. 1 print : etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 25.6 x 39 cm Figures by the Main River in the foreground; a stohe bridge on… Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Maps K.Top.94.76.e.
2 Houses for the Storekeeper & his clerke on the Gunwharfe at… 1717. 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 40.2… An elevation of two houses for the storekeeper and his clerk… Portsmouth (England) Maps K.Top.14.42.w.
2 corbels in Gillingham Church Kent. Fisher, Thomas, 1772-1836, artist. [1788] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 5.7… Corbels in St Mary Magdalene Church, Gillingham. Inscribed with… Gillingham (Kent, England) Maps K.Top.18.26.1.f.
1st View of the Island of St. Peter, on the Lake of Bienne in… King, J., active 18th century, printmaker. [London?] : [Thomas Gowland?], [about 1793] 1 print : hand-coloured etching ; sheet 42.6 x 60 cm (trimmed… A woman collects fish from two fishermen checking their nets… Biel, Lake of (Switzerland) Maps K.Top.85.69.a.

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