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Results 181–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
To William Linskill Esqr & Miss Linskill of TYNEMOUTH in the… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker, publisher. [London] : Pubd March 10th 1796 by F. Jukes No 10 Howland Street,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.5… A figure and cattle in the foreground; boats on a lake to the… Cumbria (England) Maps K.Top.10.38.a.
NETLEY ABBEY HANTS. / Drawn by R.B.Harraden. ; Engraved by J.B.… Harraden, J. B., active 1801-1815, printmaker. [Cambridge] : Published R. Harraden and Son, Cambridge, 1814. 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 42.8… A figure and cattle in the foreground; the ruins of Netley Abbey… Netley (England) Maps K.Top.14.83.i.
To the President, and other Members of the Honourable Antiquarian… Robertson, Archibald, 1765-1835, printmaker. [London] : Published July 1st 1812 by Messrs Boydell&Co 90 Cheapside,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.2… A figure and cattle in the foreground; trees and hills in the… Edinburgh (Scotland) Maps K.Top.49.4.d.
A View of ROSEDOE on LOCHLOMOND, the property of Sir James Colquhoun… Robertson, Archibald, 1765-1835, printmaker. [London] : Published July 1st 1812 by Messrs Boydell&Co 90 Cheapside,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.1… A figure and dog in a boat in the foreground; Loch Lomond stretching… Scotland Maps K.Top.49.4.l.
Keswick Lake. / Laporte pinxt ; Merke sculpt. Merke, Henri, printmaker. London : Published by R. Lambe, 39 Fleet Street, Aug 1st 1811. 1 print : soft-ground etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 31.5… A figure and horse by a stone building in the middle ground;… Cumbria (England) Maps K.Top.10.41.s.
MISCELLANEOUS IRISH SCENERY No2nd Plate 2nd White Abbey near… Cartwright, Thomas (Printmaker), printmaker. London : Published Aug 15 1806 by James Daniell & Co No480 Strand… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45… A figure and horse on a path in the foreground; a river to the… Limerick (Limerick, Ireland) Maps K.Top.54.23.
LONDON INN IVY-BRIDGE. [England] : [publisher not identified], [about 1770-1790] 1 print : etching and engraving ; sheet 7.4 x 11.2 cm A figure and horse on a tree-lined road on the left; a bridge… Ivybridge (England) Maps K.Top.11.118.k.
The South Prospect of Langavellach Copper Works. [about 1760-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 23.4… A figure and horses in the foreground; Langavellach, Langefalach… Swansea (Wales) Maps K.Top.47.51.1.
Linton Devon. [between 1780-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 33.6 x… A figure and horses on a path in the foreground; an extensive… Lynton (England) Maps K.Top.11.121.b.
SCENERY ON THE CLYDE : With Dumbarton Castle Dumbartonshire.… Mitchell, Edward, active 1793-1816, printmaker. [Scotland?] : [publisher not identified], [about 1793] 1 print : etching ; sheet 19.7 x 25 cm A figure and sheep in the foreground; a ship on the River Clyde… Dumbarton (Scotland) Maps K.Top.49.3f.
BUTTERMERE WATER. [England] : [publisher not identified], [about 1790-1810] 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 28.3… A figure and sheep in the lower left-hand corner; rocks and grass… Cumbria (England) Maps K.Top.10.39.d.
CAVERSHAM BRIDGE, NEAR READING. / Drawn by Wm Havell ; Engraved… Havell, Robert, 1769-1832, printmaker, publisher. LONDON : May 1, 1811, Published by R Havell, 3 Chapell Street,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure and sheep on a path in the forergound; the River Thames… Berkshire (England) Maps 7 TAB.11.
Town Malling, Kent. [after 1798] 1 drawing : pencil, black chalk with monochrome and brown wash… A figure by a body of water in the foreground; a hill and trees… West Malling (England) Maps K.Top.17.3.a.1.
View on the FOOT-ROAD to CROYDON. / Dillon delt ; Jukes fect. Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker, publisher. LONDON : Pubd Sept 6th 1785 by F Jukes No1 Howland St Rathbone… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure by a building in the middle ground; a road running through… London (England) Maps K.Top.40.12.e.
VIEW of DUNNOSE from the CLIFF near Shanklin in Sandown Bay,… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, publisher. London : Published by F. Jukes No10 Howland Street., [about 1790-1800] 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure by a fishing boat in the foreground; a hut to the right;… Isle of Wight (England) Maps K.Top.15.27.
MISCELLANEOUS IRISH SCENERY No2nd Plate 1st Muckross Abbey Killarney.… Cartwright, Thomas (Printmaker), printmaker. London : Published Aug 15 1806 by James Daniell & Co No480 Strand… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.3… A figure by the shore of Muckross Lake in the foreground; a boat… Killarney (Kerry, Ireland) Maps K.Top.53.43.g.
SOUTH EAST VIEW OF BOLTON PRIORY. NO6. / T.C. Hofland A.L.A.… Havell, Robert, 1769-1832, printmaker. [Harrogate] : Published Novr 1st 1811 by T.C. Hofland, Harrogate,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure chopping a tree and cattle on a small hill in the foreground;… Bolton Abbey (England) Maps K.Top.45.34.h.
NEW SHOREHAM CHURCH SUSSEX. 1786 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 11.8… A figure digging a grave in the church yard of New Shoreham Church;… Shoreham (England) Maps K.Top.42.24.a.
DURHAM, FROM THE LOWER END OF FRAMWELL GATE. / W. Brown Drawing… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker, publisher. London : Published May 3rd 1809, by Jukes & Sarjent, 57 Upper… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 26.5… A figure fishing and another leading two horses across a river;… Durham (England) Maps K.Top.12.34.g.1.
BENGEO MILL near HERTFORD. Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, publisher. LONDON : Pub'd Octr 26 1794 by F Jukes No 10 Howland Street.,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure fishing by a river; a mill on the opposite bank; hills… Hertfordshire (England) Maps K.Top.15.70.3.b.

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