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Results 161–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
Veduta della R. Villa Bonaparte presa dai Giardini Pubblici di… Belemo, Francesco, -1820, printmaker. [Milan] : [publisher not identified], [1808] 1 print : hand-coloured etching ; platemark 35.5 x 45 cm, on… A family and a couple promenade along a road outside the gates… Milan (Italy) Maps K.Top.77.39.b.6.
Arched Rock in Fresh Water Bay. [about 1813] 1 drawing : watercolour with stopping out ; sheet 22.5 x 31 cm A family in the lower left-hand corner on a beach by the sea;… Isle of Wight (England) Maps K.Top.15.28.f.
Carisbrook, Isle of Wight. / Drawn by S. Barth. ; Engraved by… King, J., active 1813, printmaker. London : Pubd May 1st 1813 by W. Cribb No13 Tavistock Street,… 1 print : etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.5 x 61.2 cm. A family standing in the foreground; a woman and baby by a gate… Isle of Wight (England) Maps K.Top.15.16.b.
Curac_ao, taken from the Hill between the Town and Fort George… Hall, Thomas, active 1803-1812, printmaker. [London] : Published March 2.d 1812 by MESSRS. BOYDELL & Co.… 1 print : hand-coloured aquatint and etching ; platemark 46.5… A family standing with their dog on top of a hill watch the view… Willemstad (Curac_ao) Maps K.Top.123.123.2.
VUE DE LA MAISON DE L'HERMITE, : faisant partie d'un Jardin a_… Gmelin, Wilhelm Friedrich, 1760-1820, printmaker. a_ Ba_le : chez Chr. de Mechel, [1786] 1 print : hand-coloured etching ; sheet 17 x 20.1 cm (trimmed… A family walk around a landscaped garden in the foreground at… Arlesheim (Switzerland) Maps K.Top.85.52.1.g.3.
Fulford in Devonshire. [between 1780-1800] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour over pencil ;… A fence and a body of water in the foreground; Fulford House… Dunsford (England) Maps K.Top.11.117.
Coningesby's Hospital Hereford. / S. Fisher delt HEREFORD. Fisher, Simon, active approximately 1790-1810, artist. [about 1790-1810] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 34.2… A fence and a road in the foreground; Coningsby Hospital, Hereford… Hereford (England) Maps K.Top.15.96.r.
SHALFLEET LAKE. Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, publisher. [London] : Pubd Novr 14th 1796 by F. Jukes Howland Street., [November… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A fence and gate by a country path; a large lake on the right;… Isle of Wight (England) Maps K.Top.15.38.
Rothamstead Herts neare Harding, Mrs Bennett, Augt 87. Baskerfeild, Thomas, 1751-1816, artist. [August 1787] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 11.6… A fence in the foreground; extensive parkland stretching to the… Hertfordshire (England) Maps K.Top.15.67.a.
Mayfield Place Sussex 1787. 1787 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour over pencil ;… A field and fence in the foreground; the ruins of Mayfield palace… Sussex (England) Maps K.Top.42.53.a.
DUBLIN BAY, from STILLORGAN ROAD. Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker, publisher. London : Pubd Jan 1st 1799 by F. Jukes, No10 Howland Street.,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 13.5… A field with hay in the foreground; a cottage and trees by the… Dublin (Ireland) Maps K.Top.53.2.r.
Cuckstone Kent. [about 1790-1800] 1 drawing : pencil and black chalk with watercolour ; sheet 17.5… A field, fence and trees in the foreground; St Michael & All… Kent (England) Maps K.Top.18.15.a.1.
Mucross Abbey on the Lake of Killarney. [about 1770-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 27.5 x… A figure and a dog by a style in the foreground; hedges to the… Killarney (Kerry, Ireland) Maps K.Top.53.43.f.
The Town and Cathedral of Carlisle. [about 1800] 1 drawing : watercolour over pencil ; sheet 25.9 x 38.3 cm A figure and a dog on a path in the foreground; water and a bridge… Carlisle (England) Maps K.Top.10.17.b.
VIEW NEAR CONISTON WATER. / Drawn by W. Green ; Aqua tinted by… Thornton, John, -1808, printmaker. [England] : [publisher not identified], [about 1790-1808] 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure and a dog resting by a rock on the side of a mountain;… Cumbria (England) Maps K.Top.18.92.b.
View near CRUMFORD DERBYSHIRE. / Drawn and Engraved by J. Hassell. Hassell, J. (John), 1767-1825, artist, printmaker. Howland St LONDON : Pubd Jany 1 1799 by F. Jukes., [January 1… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure and a horse and rider by a river in the foreground;… Derbyshire (England) Maps K.Top.11.29.b.
View in Dove Dale Derbyshire. / J. Bulman. Bulman, J. (Artist), artist. [about 1770-1790] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with watercolour ; sheet 33 x 50.3… A figure and a horse and rider on a country road on the right-hand… Derbyshire (England) Maps K.Top.11.33.c.
CHINKFORD CHURCH. / Dillon delt ; Jukes fect. Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker, publisher. LONDON : Pubd Sept 6th 1785 by F Jukes, Howland Street Rathbone… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure and cart on a track to the left; the church of St Peter… London (England) Maps K.Top.13.32.b.
Elgin Cathedral. / Drawn on the Spot by A. Grant. ; Aquatinta… Wells, John, active 18th century-19th century, printmaker. [London] : Publish'd March 16th 1789 by J. Grives, No 103 Strand.,… 1 print : aquatint and etching ; platemark 33.2 x 46 cm, on sheet… A figure and cattle by water in the foreground; the ruins of… Elgin (Scotland) 1899.n.19.
Vue de l'Isle de Meinau sur le Lac de Constance = Die Meinau… Frommel, Carl Ludwig, 1789-1863, artist, printmaker. Mannheim : bey D. Artaria., [about 1810] 1 print : etching with hand-colouring ; platemark 36.9 x 46.9… A figure and cattle in the foreground; a path, figures and boat… Mainau Island (Germany) Maps K.Top.95.24.e.

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