The West Front of the Royal Palace of Holy-rood-House toward the great Court, with the Plans and other Fronts of this Royal Palace : Is most humbly Inscrib'd To His Royal Highness FREDERICK Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwal, Earl of Chester, High Steward of Scotland Duke of Edinburgh & Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter &c. / Sir Wm Bruce Archt ; Guil Adam delin ; R. Cooper sculp.
Cooper, Richard, 1701-1764, printmaker.
Publication details
[Scotland] : [publisher not identified], [about 1730]
Physical details
1 print : engraving ; platemark 23.1 x 50.5 cm, on sheet 44.4 x 60 cm.
Elevation of the west front of the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. Etched 'P.3' in the upper right-hand corner.
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Additional information
Plate intended for William Adam
Other persons
Adam, William, 1689-1748, architect, artist.
Maps K.Top.49.68.h.3.