The Emperor of China's Palace at Pekin.
Bowles, Thomas, -1767, publisher.
Publication details
London : Printed for and sold by Thomas Bowles, John Bowles, and Son, Robert Sayer, and Henry Overton, MDCCLIII.
Physical details
1 print : etching and engraving ; platemark 29.8 x 30.8 cm, on sheet 34.5 x 47 cm.
Groups of men carrying parasols and fans promenade in a courtyard enclosed by porticoed buildings with ornated facades and roofs decorated with figures of dragons and tigers. Plate numbered at top right.
Chengde (China)
Additional information
Published as part of 'The Emperor of China's Palace at Pekin, and his principal Gardens, as well in Tartary as at Pekin, Gehol, and the adjacent Countries. With the temples, pleasure-houses, artificial mountains, rocks, lakes, &c. as disposed in different parts of the Royal Gardens. With an Exact Elevation of the Great Mogul's Superb Throne. The Whole neatly Engraved on Twenty Copper-Plates Twelve Inches Square, from the original View, correctly taken on the Spot' (London, 1753). According to Richard Strassberg, this plate is a 'simplified version of a widely copied image of the Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian) in the Forbidden City that appears in Johannes Nieuhof's 1665 description of the Dutch East India Company's embassy to Beijing in the years 1655 to 1657'.
Other persons
Bowles, John, 1701-1779, publisher.
Maps 7.Tab.73.