MEETING of THE WATERS, COUNTY OF WICKLOW. : In the distance is seen the Vale of Avondale & Wooden Bridge, to the right is a rising Ground the Seat of Captain Mills, and in the fore Ground a Stone Bridge, with the junction of the Rivers Avon and Avoca. / T. Sautell Roberts delt ; F.C. Lewis fecit.
Lewis, Frederick Christian, 1779-1856, printmaker.
Publication details
London : Published as the Act directs., 1st Jany 1804.
Physical details
1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45 x 60.5 cm.
Landscape with lakes in centre, the vale of Avondale beyond and a wooden bridge at left, a carriage crossing stone bridge at junction of rivers Avon and Avoca in foreground, sheep grazing at right foreground, buildings on surrounding hilltops including the seat of Captain Mills at left.
Wicklow (Ireland : County)
Other persons
Roberts, Thomas Sautell, 1760-1826, artist.
Maps K.Top.55.45.e