GOLD MINES, COUNTY of WICKLOW. : In the Fore-ground are several Figures employed in working or buddeling; in the Middle ground they are seen digging & barrowing the Earth, which contains the particles if Gold: on the first discovery of these Mines, pieces of pure Gold were found valued at eighty pounds and upwards, one of which may be seen at the Levarian Museum. The Scene closes with Croughan and the adjoining Hills. / T. Sautell Roberts delt ; J. Bluck.
Bluck, John (Printmaker), printmaker.
Publication details
London : Published as the Act directs., 19th May 1804.
Physical details
1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 45.8 x 60.1 cm.
Landscape with men digging and sifting for gold in the foreground, smoke rising from cottages beyond, mountains in the background, partly obscured by clouds.
Wicklow (Ireland : County)
Other persons
Roberts, Thomas Sautell, 1760-1826, artist.
Maps K.Top.55.45.f