Frome School.
Publication details
[about 1780-1800]
Physical details
1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 15.5 x 15.5 cm (circular)
A circular view of Frome School; Frome Bridge in front; the river below; a horse and rider in the water to the right. Bears inscribed title in black ink across the sky.
Frome (England)
Additional information
This drawing is similar to the view in the print at Maps K.Top.38.5.b. engraved by J Bonnor and published in 1786 by J Collinson and E Rack. There are some small differences between the two including the horses in the foreground and a grille to the building on the right. This drawing is on wove paper which suggests it was made after 1780. It is possible that this drawing is by Abraham Crocker, the artist on whose work Maps K.Top.38.5.b. is based.
Maps K.Top.38.5.a.