[Elevations of Palazzo Trevisan in Murano, Venice].
Visentini, Antonio, 1688-1782, artist.
Publication details
[between 1730 and 1740]
Physical details
1 drawing : brown ink and grey wash ; sheet 52.5 x 36 cm.
Views of the eastern and main fac_ades of Palazzo Trevisan; the eastern fac_ade overlooking the garden consisted of two porticoed floors between two lateral wings with lintelled windows; the western (main) fac_ade is depicted below, with lintelled entrance between lintelled windows in the ground floor, Serlian window under pediment in the piano nobile, plain lintelled windows under a cornice decorated with dentils in the attic and rusticated corners.
Venice (Italy)
Additional information
From a collection of tinted Architectural Drawings of Churches, Palaces, and other edifices in Venice, their plans, elevations, etc. Probably by Antonio Visentini and members of his workshop. Prefixed to each tome are the Arms of Joseph Smith, formerly British Consul at Venice, to whom the work once belonged; and a table in MS. entitled: