A Perspective View of the College Church with the Adjoining Buildings. / The Honble John Elphinstone Esqr Engineer delin ; Parr sculpt.
Parr, active approxtimately 1740, printmaker.
Publication details
[Edinburgh] : [Pubd & Sold by Thos Phinn, Engraver & Copperplate Printer, E Wing of the New Exchange Edinr Who Sells Variety of Maps, Prints Copybooks Drawingbooks, Black lead & Hair pencils Water colours]., [about 1740]
Physical details
1 print : etching ; sheet 19.4 x 32 cm.
Trees, a wall and figures in front of the Trinity College Church and hospital; hills in the distance.
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Additional information
Later published in Arnot, Hugo, 1749-1786. The history of Edinburgh. By Hugo Arnot, Esq; Advocate. [Edinburgh] : Printed for W. Creech; Edinburgh: and J. Murray, London, M,DCC,LXXIX. [1779]
Other persons
Elphinstone, John, 1706-1753, artist.
Maps K.Top.49.68.e.9.