VUE DE LA PRAIRIE, DITE DE RUTLIN, SUR LE LAC DES QUATRE CANTONS : Endroit ou_ les trois Suisses formerent, en 1307, la ge_ne_reuse re_solution d'affranchir leur Patrie du joug qui l'opprimoit.
Publication details
[Bern?] : [publisher not identified], [between 1780 and 1790]
Physical details
1 print : hand-coloured etching ; sheet 26.7 x 39.3 cm (trimmed below platemark)
Two herdsmen and a shepherdess look after some cattle in the foreground, with wooden cabin beyond at left and the oath of the Old Swiss confederation (Ru_tlischwur or Ru_tli Oath) reenacted on the shore of Lake Lucerne in the background.
Ru_tli (Switzerland)
Additional information
The same view with different figures and lettering was published by Bartholome Fehr in Bern in about 1788. A print of the same title is mentioned by Johann Gottfried Ebel in his 'Instructions pour un voyageur qui se propose de parcourir la Suisse', Basel, 1795, as by Wilhelm Friedrich Gmelin (see vol. 1, p. 181).
Maps K.Top.85.78.