To the Rt Honble Lord Grantham This Print of the Ruins of St Mary's Abbey, York, is by permission dedicated to His Lordship's most obedt hble servt Henry Cave. / Drawn by H. Cave. ; Engraved by R. Havell & Son.
Havell, Robert, 1769-1832, printmaker.
Publication details
York : Published by H. Cave, Jany 18 1819.
Physical details
1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark 30.8 x 39.4 cm, on sheet 36.7 x 47.6 cm
A woman and two children standing on a path by the ruins of St Mary's Abbey, York; trees in the distance.
York (England)
Other persons
Cave, Henry, 1779-1836, artist, publisher.
Maps K.Top.45.8.3.d.