Facciata esteriore del Palazzo Pontificio in Vaticano, che resta addosso al Corridore della Libraria : al sito dove si gioca al pallone, alla fontana della Galera, alla Cleopatra, & alla scala di Bramante.
Publication details
[between 1720 and 1727]
Physical details
1 drawing : ink, wash and graphite ; sheet 41.5 x 161 cm
Fac_ade of the eastern corridor of the Belvedere in the Vatican Palace, with entrance to the Library at left and Galleon fountain and access to the Belvedere of Innocent VIII and to the Scala di Bramante at right. On three sheets.
Vatican City
Additional information
Bound in a volume consisting of ninety-one elevations of different parts of the Apostolic Palace, or Vatican Palace, as it was in the early decades of the eighteenth century, all probably by the same hand and numbered on verso. The two pages at the end of the volume contain a list of the courtyards in the palace with their plans and dimensions. For plans of the same building, see vols. 1-2 (Maps 75.k.1. and Maps 75.k.2.). For dating, see J. S. Ackerman, The Cortile del Belvedere, Citta_ del Vaticano, 1954, and H. H. Brummer, The Statue Court in the Vatican Belvedere, Stockholm, 1970. See also Rossana Nicolo_, 'Il Belvedere di Innocenzo VIII in Vaticano nei disegni del corpus Londinese K 75 1-3' in Universita_ di Roma, Quaderni dell'istituto di storia dell'architettura (nuova serie, fascicolo 54, 2010), pp. 21-30. The title refers to the Stanza dell Cleopatra located at the end of the eastern corridor of the Belvedere and attached to the west side of the courtyard represented in the drawing. In the seventeenth century, the sculpture known as Cleopatra (now Sleeping Ariadne) was on display in this room, after being removed from the Vatican statue court and before being installed in the Museo Pio Clementino in the following century.