[Elevation of the Scuola Grande di Santa Maria del Carmelo, Venice].
Visentini, Antonio, 1688-1782, artist.
Publication details
[between 1730 and 1740]
Physical details
1 drawing : brown ink and grey wash ; sheet 35 x 52.5 cm.
View of the fac_ade of the Scuola Grande di Santa Maria del Carmelo (or Scuola Grande dei Carmini) facing Campo Santa Margherita, with two arched doorways under segmental pediments flanked by arched windows with triangular pediments between paired Composite columns on plinths supporting entablature and arched windows under alternating segmental and triangular pediments between paired columns above.
Venice (Italy)
Additional information
From a collection of tinted Architectural Drawings of Churches, Palaces, and other edifices in Venice, their plans, elevations, etc. Probably by Antonio Visentini and members of his workshop. Prefixed to each tome are the Arms of Joseph Smith, formerly British Consul at Venice, to whom the work once belonged; and a table in MS. entitled: