- Title
- Disegno di pavimento con le sue misure.
- Publication details
- [between 1650 and 1660]
- Physical details
- 1 drawing : brown ink ; sheet 48 x 138 cm
- Description
- Plan of the pavement of St. Peter's, with the admeasurements annexed, comprising ten bays divided in two aisles by pillars.
- Place
- Vatican City
- Additional information
- Bound in volume with index and drawings mounted on pages numbered 1-115 (page no. 6). Probably relates to the previous drawing in the same volume signed by Pietro Paolo Drei and dated 1655, which shows an 'Indice delle qualita de smalti ch'erano nella monitione della fabrica di S. Pietro'.
- Shelfmark
- Maps 6.TAB.3.fol.6.