Collection des Vues principals de Berlin et de Potsdam apartenante a Le Majeste George III. Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de France et dIrelane etc: etc: et presentee par ses tres humbles, tres respectueux et tres soumis serviteurs Jean Morino & Compagnie. Berlin. 1789'.
Morino, Johan, active 1786-1793, compiler.
Publication details
Physical details
1 drawing : bodycolour ; sheet 52 x 73.6 cm
Dedication or title sheet from Morino to George III depicting a stone tablet with chiselled lettering; a figure and a dog in the foreground; a stream and sheep to the right; trees and rocks to the left.
Berlin (Germany)
Additional information
Bound within a volume which contains 50 views including 20 views of Berlin by Jean Rosenberg and 10 views of Potsdam by Andreas Ludwig Kru_ger after Johann Friedrich Meyer, published by Jean Morino. The wording of this sheet suggests that the volume was compiled for King George III by Morino.
Maps 4.TAB.56.