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Results 4641–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
[Port of Ancona]. Peruzzini, Domenico, 1602-1673?, artist. [approximately 1659] 1 drawing : ink and watercolour ; sheet 55.2 x 42.7 cm Plan and view of the port in Ancona from the Arch of Trajan at… Ancona (Italy) Maps 6.TAB.3.fol.49.
Disegno d'un tratto di Muro dill'Antimurali del Porto della Citta_… Peruzzini, Domenico, 1602-1673?, artist. [approximately 1659] 1 drawing : ink and watercolour ; sheet 43 x 35.5 cm View of the antimurale or breakwater wall showing the Arch of… Ancona (Italy) Maps 6.TAB.3.fol.50.
[Port of Ancona]. Peruzzini, Domenico, 1602-1673?, artist. [approximately 1659] 1 drawing : ink, wash and watercolour ; sheet 48.9 x 43.3 cm View and plan of the old lazaretto located in the port of Ancona… Ancona (Italy) Maps 6.TAB.3.fol.52.
[Loggia at Ancona]. Peruzzini, Domenico, 1602-1673?, artist. [approximately 1659] 1 drawing : ink and wash ; sheet 48.8 x 40.8 cm Two views of the loggia located in the port of Ancona, with fac_ade… Ancona (Italy) Maps 6.TAB.3.fol.53.
The Castle of Amboina. [around 1670] 1 drawing : watercolour ; sheet 39.1 x 57 cm Bird's-eye view of square-plan fortification with four turrets… Ambon Island (Indonesia) Maps K.Top.116.51.
Old Bridge House, Ambleside, Westmorland. [between 1790-1800] 1 drawing : pencil ; sheet 39.8 x 27.8 cm A pencil drawing of the Old Bridge House at Ambleside, Cumbria.… Ambleside (England) Maps K.Top.43.4.a.
A VIEW OF A CASTLE ON THE AMALPHI COAST, IN THE GULF OF SALERNO… Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809, printmaker, publisher. [London] : Publish'd as the Act directs, by P. Sandby St. Georges… 1 print : aquatint, etching and engraving, printed in sepia ;… A draughtsman carrying a portfolio sits with another man and… Amalfi Coast (Italy) Maps 7.TAB.60.
View of a Grotto upon the Amalphi Coast in the Gulph of Salerno… Robertson, Archibald, approximately 1745-1813, printmaker, publisher. [London] : Publish'd Jan.y 15th. 1782, by A. Robertson, Charles… 1 print : aquatint, etching and engraving, printed in sepia ;… A group of fishermen and their families rest in a cave by the… Amalfi Coast (Italy) Maps 7.TAB.60.
THE SIEGE OF COPENHAGEN : Respectfuly dedicated by BOYDELL &… Pollard, Robert, 1755-1838, printmaker. [London] : Pub Novr 8 1807 by BOYDELL & Co No90 Cheapside, London.,… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; sheet 41.3… View looking out to Amager Island; gunboats on the water; ships… Amager Island (Denmark) Maps K.Top.111.72.i.
ALNWICK CASTLE from the NORTH, The SEAT of His Grace the DUKE… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker. [Alnwick] : Pubd Jany 12 1808 by J. Forster Alnwick., [January… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… Figures standing by a river; a bridge in the middle ground; Alnwick… Alnwick (England) Maps K.Top.32.45.b.
ALNWICK CASTLE from the SOUTH EAST. / Drawn by J. Forster. ;… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker. [Alnwick] : Pubd Jany 12 1808 by J. Forster Alnwick., [January… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… Extensive parkland and trees in the foreground; Alnwick Castle… Alnwick (England) Maps K.Top.32.45.c.
ALNWICK ABBEY from the SOUTH. /. Drawn by J. Forster. ; Engraved… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker. [Alnwick] : Pubd Jany 12 1808 by J. Forster Alnwick., [January… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… A figure fishing by a river; Alnwick Abbey gatehouse in the middle… Alnwick (England) Maps K.Top.32.45.d.
ALNWICK ABBEY from the EAST. / Drawn by J. Forster. ; Engraved… Jukes, Francis, 1745-1812, printmaker. [Alnwick] : Pubd Jany 12 1808 by J. Forster Alnwick., [January… 1 print : aquatint and etching with hand-colouring ; platemark… Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse in the middle ground; a wall and gate… Alnwick (England) Maps K.Top.32.45.e.
A View taken from LISBON of the Point of Cassilhas, the English… Wells, John, active 18th century-19th century, printmaker. London : Publish'd as the Act directs, May 20th. 1793. 1 print : aquatint and etching ; sheet 48.8 x 65.5 cm View of Cacilhas from the North; in the foreground, two sailors… Almada (Portugal) Maps K.Top.74.66.c.4.
MAUSOLEUM OF SULTAN PURVEIZ, NEAR ALLAHABAD. : NO.XXII. / DRAWN… Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, artist, printmaker. [London] : Published as the Act directs for Thos Daniell, by… 1 print : etching and aquatint with hand-colouring ; platemark… A large temple in the centre of the scene; figures standing on… Allahabad (India) 10 TAB.30.(1).
MAUSOLEUM OF SULTAN CHUSERO, NEAR ALLAHABAD. : NO.XVII. / DRAWN… Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, artist, printmaker. [London] : Published as the Act directs for Thos Daniell, by… 1 print : etching and aquatint with hand-colouring ; platemark… View of the domed tomb of Sultan Khusru, surrounded by a garden;… Allahabad (India) 10 TAB.30.(1).
PART OF THE PALACE IN THE FORT OF ALLAHABAD. : NOVIII. / DRAWN… Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, artist, printmaker. [London] : PUBLISHED AS THE ACT DIRECTS FOR THOS DANIELL BY ROBT… 1 print : etching and aquatint with hand-colouring ; platemark… View of a large building with two terraces with elaborate railings,… Allahabad (India) 10 TAB.30.(1).
THE CHALEES SATOON IN THE FORT OF ALLAHABAD ON THE RIVER JUMNA.… Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, artist, printmaker. [London] : PUBLISHED AS THE ACT DIRECTS FOR THOS DANIELL BY ROBT… 1 print : etching and aquatint with hand-colouring ; platemark… View of a domed building, surrounded by two tiered and roofed… Allahabad (India) 10 TAB.30.(1).
[Port of Alicante]. [around 1660] 1 drawing : brown ink and graphite ; sheet 37.7 x 55.7 cm Panoramic view of a segment of the Costa Blanca, with Alicante… Alicante (Spain) Maps K.Top.73.66.
A Prospect of the Castle of ALICANT : to the Eastward taken and… Hanway, John, active 1700-1715, artist. [around 1703-1708] 1 drawing : indian ink, wash and watercolour ; sheet 25.8 x 36.5… View of the Castle of Santa Ba_rbara on top of Mount Benacantil,… Alicante (Spain) Maps K.Top.73.67.

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