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Results 61–20 of 4691

Image Title Creator Publication details Physical details Description Place Shelfmark
AN EXCAVATED TEMPLE ON THE ISLAND OF SALSETTE. : NO. III. / DRAWN… Daniell, Thomas, 1749-1840, artist, printmaker, publisher. [London] : Published as the Act directs by Thos Daniell, Howland… 1 print : etching and aquatint with hand-colouring ; platemark… Kanheri Caves, a group of rock-cut monuments; figures in front;… Salsette Island (India) 10 TAB.30.(3).
Tab. I. [Grund Risse des Koniglichen Pallatu in Luneburg worin… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29… Ground plan for the customs and salt house, the King's palace… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. II. [Grund Risse des zweiten und dritten Gesschosses von… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.5… Plans of the second and third floors of the palace at Lu_neberg.… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. III. [Fac_ade von den Pallatio gegen den marcht platze]. Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.4… Elevation of the palace at Luneberg facing the market place.… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. IV. [Fac'ade gegen den innern Hof platze und Profile auch… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.7… Elevation and section of the facade of the palace at Luneberg… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. V. [Profil durchs Corps de Lagis und Facade des Linekern… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29… Elevation and section of the left-hand wing of the palace at… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. VI. [Profil Risse des Witzendorffer Hauses und der Stall… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.5… Sections of the wheat store, the stable wing andthe ground store… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. VII. [Grund und Profil auch Stand Riss des zum Ambte Medingen… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.5… Plans, sections and elevations of the residence of the Officer… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. VIII. [Grund und Profil Risse des an das Ambt Scharnebeck… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.3… Plan, sections and elevation of the residence of the Official… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. IX. [Grund und Profil Risse der Saltzraume und Korn Bodens… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29.6… Plan and sections of buildings on Hafenstrasse in Luneburg.… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
Tab. X. [Grund und Profil Risse der zum Ambt Lune gehorigen… Bonn, Otto Heinrich von, 1703-1785, artist, architect. [1756] 1 drawing : pen and black ink with monochrome wash ; sheet 29… Plans, sections and elevations of a watermill in Luneburg. Scale… Lu_neburg (Germany) 118.d.28.
[Design for an ark]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [1694] 1 drawing : ink and wash ; sheet 27.3 x 41.4 cm View of a wooden ark on wheels from below, with scale. Italy 118.e.14.
[Project for the Harbour at Civitavecchia]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [1694] 1 drawing : ink and watercolour ; sheet 41.4 x 27.3 cm Project for a pier, with five galleys moored behind a breakwater… Civitavecchia (Italy) 118.e.14.
[River Tiber and Isola Tiberina]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink and graphite ; sheet 24 x 39.5 cm Carlo Fontana's reconstruction of Ponte Rotto at left, with Isola… Lazio (Italy) 118.e.14.
[Project for the restoration of a bridge]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink, wash and graphite ; sheet 27 x 41.5 cm Two views of a stone bridge (Pons Aemilius?) of which only two… Lazio (Italy) 118.e.14.
[View of Civitavecchia]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink, grey wash and graphite ; sheet 27 x 41.5 cm Perspective view of Civitavecchia, with ships sailing on the… Civitavecchia (Italy) 118.e.14.
[Eight views of fragments of the aqueduct crossing the land of… Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink and graphite ; sheet 27 x 41.5 cm Page divided in nine vignettes, eight of them showing different… Lazio (Italy) 118.e.14.
[View of Civitavecchia]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink and graphite ; sheet 27 x 41.5 cm Perspective view of Civitavecchia, with the 'antimurale' and… Civitavecchia (Italy) 118.e.14.
[Reconstruction of the course of the Tuscan Aqueduct]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink and graphite ; sheet 27 x 41.5 cm Plan of the area of Lazio crossed by the Tuscan Aqueduct, with… Lazio (Italy) 118.e.14.
[Tyrrhenian Coast]. Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714, artist. [between 1694 and 1696] 1 drawing : ink and graphite ; sheet 26.8 x 40.8 cm Plan of the Tyrrhenian coast, from the area around Civitavecchia… Tyrrhenian Coast (Italy) 118.e.14.

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